Meet Me

Even as we age, your soul is the thing that carries not your body, so remember to be connected to feel alive.
-Sofiya Stasiv

Who Am I?

It is a question that pulses through us our entire lives— we work, create, and go in search of this our entire lives.
Most hoping to be lucky enough to reflect and say “I lived” in the final moments of our life, when finally willing to take a moment to reflect. But what if, it didn’t have to be that way?
It didn’t take an excessive amount of years for me to see the things I wanted.
I wanted the world.
My approach to getting it was all about hustling, girl bossing, being as driven and ambitious as possible to get all that I wanted. This lead me down the path of high achievement, people pleasing, comparison, self-judgement, image issues, fear of failure, and my insecurity list could keep going.
Yet, I was confident. I was well-known.
I was all those things the world wanted me to be.
But I still felt a hole instead me. A void I was externally chasing. It took witnessing the lost hope of others health as a bedside nurse to see to regret or hopelessness of many with the chase that lead them in no direction of hope or joy. It was then that I saw a glimpse of the path I was headed down myself— in my thoughts, in my perspective of life, creating a numb hole inside me to just work without fulfillment.
Even if it wasn’t in the traditional sense of losing my health, yet the voice inside me knew I would sabotage it soon enough if I didn’t give it the attention it deserved.
My story of caring for patients in a conventional medical system from birth until death, deeply investing in the art of connection, navigating being a first generation immigrant, exploring the cultures and people of the world, and embodying the journey of unraveling my most rawest, truest, and honest self has me equipped to help guide you into seeing the world within you and around you in a new lens.

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